Monday, April 21, 2008

Red sky at night....the barn's on fire

Incredible Sunset
Originally uploaded by Noopinphilly

I just found out I can post my flickr photos directly to The Noopster. So here's a rather fetching sunset in Ohio. I'm saving the video of K riding a mechanical bull in New Orleans for her birthday.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Not only is their new album (The Seldom Seen Kid) a beautifully crafted letter of intimacy but they have a remarkable knack of inciting sad reflection whilst lifting you with hints of soaring optimism. Elbow have release 4 albums now and I really hope they reach the global heights they deserve. You can't help but smile listening to Newborn; Fugitive Motel speaks to everyone who's been away from their loved one for a long time; from the new album, Weather To Fly makes you want to lift off the ground and bathe in sunlight; then there's Scattered Black & Whites - close your eyes with this playing in your ears and tell me you don't feel like a kid again.
I'm spreading the gospel across the States - find these albums. Come to me and I'll give them to you. Play them whenever you're travelling from A to B. Let it wash over you and your day will be all the better for it.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Today's quote

"I was on a very strong horse tranquilizer today; Wasn't waving hello to anybody. Except... maybe to a horse."

NOLA frolicks

This is from our recent trip to New Orleans. K was there for a conference on Personality Assessment and I got to tag along for fun. An afternoon beer in the sunshine goes a long way - especially when you'd otherwise be in an office.
N.O is a fantastic city where its still thriving. The cab driver told us about all of the business that are still unable to re-open and the corporations that have left because of the lack of infrastructure. It was really sad to see how depressed parts of the city still are - almost three years later! Where's the bastard government?!!


I've been spending a lot of time on Twitter lately and have found a whole slew of people who run their own blogs/sites and it's inspiring to see how connected they are (with others, not necessarily themselves). Two words: Guy Kawasaki. Pistachio seems to be in perpetual motion - brilliant. Then of course, there's the diminutive Bloggess. I like your style, guys.
Without getting too ponderous and meandering about where inspiration comes from and all that bollocks, I'm basically saying, it worked. And so it goes...

The inaugural

Ok, so this is basically where I'm going to ramble about the movies and tunes that grab my attention. I may also post the occasional quote for you to guess the movie/artist and win a big bag of self satisfaction.